Monday, July 26, 2010


Please BOYCOTT these Monument Corridor Businesses that allow Day Laborers to solicit day jobs upon or near their property:
  1. U-Haul Equipment Rentals on Monument.
  2. El Faro Mexican Restaurant.
  3. World Gas.
  4. Foodmaxx on  Monument.
  5. McDonald's on Monument.
  6. Super Liquor & Food at Reganti.
  7. Home Depot around the corner from Seafood City.
This is a snapshot taken on this day. The other businesses in The Corridor are cooperating today by enforcing the spirit and intent of the City-of-Concord's No-Solicitation Municipal-Code 106-561 Please click on the 'taking action' links to sound-off to the businesses that tolerate this blight on our neighborhood and on our town.


EdiBirsan said...

Why is there a Day Labor Center sign up at Reganti?
The facility in there has been gone for years.
Am I missing something in the urban legend department or underground Labor Center somewhere there that I am just too damn blind to see>

Monumayor said...

Maybe the City-of-Concord should replace the little sign with 8-foot by 4-foot signs at the City Limits explaining that streetside solicitation of Day Labor is illegal in Concord?




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