Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Please BOYCOTT these businesses within 'The Monument Corridor' that allow Day Laborers to solicit day jobs upon or near their property:
  1. U-Haul Equipment Rentals on Monument.
  2. Dolan Lumber on Monument.
  3. World Gas on Monument.
  4. Union-76 Gas Station on Monument.
  5. Little Ceasars Pizza on Monument.
  6. Foodmaxx Shopping Center on Monument.
  7. Jack-in-the-Box on Monument.
  8. McDonalds at Virginia Lane.
  9. Mercado Del Valle on Monument.
  10. 7-11 at Lacey Lane.
  11. Nguyen Lee Industrial Catering (truck).
  12. Nice Cuts on Monument.
  13. Super Food & Liquor at Reganti & Monument.
  14. El Rancho Mexican Restaurant (worst offender of the day).
  15. Home Depot around the corner from Marie Callenders.
This is a snapshot taken on this day. The other businesses within The Corridor are cooperating today by enforcing the spirit and intent of the City-of-Concord's No-Solicitation Municipal-Code 106-561

Please click on the 'taking action' links to sound-off to the businesses that tolerate this blight on our neighborhood and on our town.


Phil said...

I like this blog! I've e-mailed Home Depot before in the past and the HQ's that is not the store. I got a response back but as you can tell they're still allowing the day laborers everyday to loiter.

I don't know why our city here in Concord puts up with it! Something more needs to be done about this issue.

Anonymous said...

One additional reason to boycott El Rancho (though I don't imagine many of us would visit it anyway) is the way they improperly and disrespectfully fly the Mexican flag below (on the same flagpole as) the American flag. I have contacted the restaurant several times regarding the disrespect this shows for our country and its flag, to no avail. Have made similar complaints to other businesses (national chains) on Monument and have seen immediate results.

Unknown said...

I know a x cook from the el rancho he told me his boss ordered the cheapest meat possible bareley above dog food standards.He also said it was the direstest kitchen ever.

Sinn Feiner said...

Anon 11:03

That so frigging pisses me off! If they were flying it above the American flag I would so go down there and take them both off and burn the Mexican flag. Remember the Vietnam Vet in Reno who walked up in front of a Mexican bar who had their Mexican flag flying above the U.S. flag? He took both flags down and walked off with the U.S. flag. It's still on Youtube. He was praised by many in the U.S. and was even on CNN because of it.



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