Friday, July 23, 2010

Edi "Ed" Birsan's latest Pulse-of-Concord Survey....

Mr. Edi Birsan (pronounced: "Edd-Dee Beer-Sann), a long time Concord resident, is running for the Concord City Council in November and is taking a Pulse-of-Concord Survey.

The Pulse of Concord
CLICK HERE to take the survey. This is round-three of the survey and will be running for the next couple of weeks.

Edi "Ed" Birsan


Anonymous said...

This guy favors the hispanic community and most likely will not do anything about the Illegal Immigration issue here in Concord. So far he doesn't have my vote.

EdiBirsan said...

Actually I favor the Concord Community in all its diversity. I have already made it clear that I favor getting the Day Laborers off of the streets and into the hiring halls.

As for the entire illegal immigrant issue I look forward to a national solution which is what it is going to take.

If you want to sit down and talk to me about this or other aspects of the election issues, I am willing and able. Write to me at
EdiBirsan AT astound DOT net

Anonymous said...

Thanks Edi. You sound like a decent guy.



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