Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Did you know that under state and federal laws you can be civilly sued if you fail to pay a Day Laborer for their services? Even if undocumented, the Day Laborer has a right to be paid for their services rendered. Be sure to get a written payment agreement in advance, and then be sure to pay them for their labors when they are done. If you hire Day Laborers (Jorneleros) regularly, or if you are a business, you must do all the regular stuff regarding labor and tax laws.

Finally, it's illegal for employers to pay their workers in cash. All payments for employees must be made by check or by direct-deposit. As an aside, the Federal Government will go to bat for an undocumented Day Laborer if you fail to pay the Day Laborer. CLICK HERE to read an April 1, 2010 article about the Feds visiting The Day Labor Center on Monument Boulevard in Concord, CA

Paul Ramirez, an investigator from the U.S. Department of Labor, talks about labor rules and their rights as workers with laborers during a meeting at the Michael Chavez Center for Economic Opportunity in Concord, Calif., on Thursday, April 1, 2010.

Workers listen to an investigator from the U.S. Department of Labor talk about labor rules and their rights as workers during a meeting at the Michael Chavez Center for Economic Opportunity in Concord, Calif., on Thursday, April 1, 2010.

(Photo credits: Mark DuFrene/Staff, Contra Costa Times)

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